Urban Clap – Providing Professional Services at your Doorsteps

In today’s world the one problem that people living in the cities face is depression, anxiety and stress. Stress is something that is experienced by everyone including youngsters and old folks. This is very common for all whether it is at home, work etc. The folks sitting at home can still manage the level of stress they experience, but for the younger generation who are into IT and other corporate jobs can’t handle the level of stress they face at work that affects the quality of work ultimately.Urban ClapThe question asked by most of the people in IT today is; how can we get rid of stress?? Some Indulge in gaming, running, badminton, movies etc. But will all these help overcome stress?? IS there any permanent relief from this ailment?

Yes there is, and that is yoga. Yoga is not just simply twisting your body into weird positions that are impossible, Yoga means to have the body, mind and spirit in harmony and yoga means to be in perfect rhythm and tune. The whole process of yoga helps you too achieve a stage in which all your inner energies are activated. Practicing yoga early in the morning has a lot of benefits that are positive. IF you are in a city like Bangalore there are a lot of yoga classes that are available on everyday basis and also on weekends. It becomes difficult choose which one to join. This is the problem that I face when I decided to start practicing yoga. First I enquired with my friends for contacts of some legitimate yoga classes, then goggled a few and on weekend I used to visit them personally to find out the fee, timing and the other details. This process was really time consuming and all my weekends were used for hunting yoga classes. After a few weeks of searching all that I was feeling was confused. There were a lot of options to choose from. This was the last thing I wanted. Searching for the classes was turning out to be stressful, not as much stress as work though.

Then one day I was just browsing through play store and found an app recommendation. This Is the first time I saw this app and when I read the description and reviews on the app, I downloaded it immediately with full hope. This was something that I was looking out for. I Just followed the instructions and answered a few questions and then placed my request of finding a yoga instructor. To my surprise I found even personal instructors are available who takes classes going to their client’s residents. I opted for the personal instructor MR. Venketesh who replied to my query in 5 hours time .I was satisfied with his quote and finally hired him. Now instead of going for a class I was having class conducted at my home. This is truly amazing; I am lucky that I stumbled up on UrbanClap wiki page. For all those who are looking out for any professional services or home services you just need to download this app. Sit at home and hire the suitable service provider. Thank you urban clap. It is a great initiative and I hope this app covers other important cities in India.

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