JEE Exam to Do List – Key Points for Good Preparation

Most of the time when there is a talk about IIT JEE students it is assumed that it is a high mountain that cannot be climbed by average individuals. This is a wrong thought. The fact is that anyone can crack the entrance exam with good preparation. You just need to be dedicated and focused on your goals.JEE Exam To Do List

While the Joint Entrance Exam has a reputation of being the most challenging and tough engineering exams in the world it all depends on your planning and the sincere effort you put into achieving the right result. So if you want to succeed in the exams and have a great learning opportunity as well as a better future you can go through this article. We have listed effective JEE preparation tips that will help you step in the right direction.

Start Preparing at an Early Stage

JEE preparation should not begin after you complete your class 12 board exams. You should start preparing early for the exam at least two years in advance. Time is of the essence here. Find out what the exam is all about, gather study resources and prepare accordingly.

Check the Syllabus

Try to get an overview or go through the syllabus of the study materials. Doing this will help you get a clear insight into the important topics, marking schemes, exam pattern and even the questions. Spend more time and shift your focus on learning these topics.

Develop an Organized Time-table And Stick To It

Create a timetable which you can follow or stick to. Give equal weightage to each subject and divide the time wisely so that you will be able to cover the entire syllabus and conduct revisions. Talking about revisions it is an essential study exercise and will help you lay the right foundation for success.

Understand the JEE Exam Pattern

Gone are the days when JEE exam used to be subjective. Today the JEE Main exam or the JEE Advanced exam are both designed to test your in-depth knowledge of the concepts, analytical skills along with numerical abilities. You should work on these areas, improve them and make sure to have a strong base regarding all the concepts. Avoid mugging up the concepts.

Using the Right Resources

JEE is a popular exam and therefore if you are looking for study resources you will find a lot of them in the market especially with taglines like, “the best study material” and so on. There are good books and solutions available but with a wide variety of choices, you need to select the right kind of study materials that will add to your preparation. Ask around from experienced candidates and you can do some research too. Don’t exhaust your time and energy with the wrong materials.

Practice = Efficiency

The more you practice the better you will get at solving questions. Make use of JEE question papers including sample, previous year, model question papers. Get hold of mock tests and start solving the questions. Engaging in such activity will help you test your preparation level as well as gain insight into your weak areas that you should improve. You will also get a feel of the exam including details about the types of questions, pattern and more. You will also gain higher confidence.

Don’t Push Yourself

JEE is not all about locking yourself in a room and studying night and day. Rather, you should take breaks in between, engage in activities that will help you de-stress, socialize, eat healthy food and keep yourself fit. Do not force yourself and your mind beyond what it can afford. Hard work is required but you need to work smartly and not mindlessly.

These are some of the tips that you can follow and benefit from. To learn more information on competitive exams, you can check out BYJU’S YouTube channel.

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