How to Reset WordPress Admin Username, Password and Email Through cPanel

reset wordpress passwordJust Imagine, If someone hacks your WordPress admin account and change its password and email both. In this situation “Forget Password” link will also not work for you.Because the reset password link will be mailed to the hackers email. So, you will lose complete control over your WordPress admin panel.

Don’t worry. There are some easy ways to reset your password through cPanel. In this post, we would like to share the easiest way to reset WordPress password  and admin user name. Here we go-

1. Go to PHPMyAdmin using your cPanel.

2. Now you can see a list of on your WordPress database.

3. In your database, look for the wp_users table and click on the icon for browse.

4. Now locate your Username under the user_login field and click on edit.

5. Here you can change the username in “user_login” feld and then go to user_pass field.

6. Now, in the user_pass field, change the function to MD5 and enter your new password in the Value section

7. Verify that your password is correct, and that MD5 is in the field.

8. Then go to user_email field to change the E-Mail address.

9. Now go to your WordPress admin panel and login with your new username and password.

Hope my step by step guide help you to reset your username, password and email address successfully. Happy Blogging.

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