After the ban on PUBG Mobile in India, superster Akshay Kumar announced the launch of a new action game in India. The all new game is called FAU-G (Fearless And United Guards). The first official teaser of FAU-G was released on Dussehra, which managed to create hype around the title. And the great news is that on 30th November, the developers of the game announced that pre-registrations for FAU-G are underway. Afer the announcement of pre-registrations of FAU-G, most of the sites started sharing FAU-G APK on their sites. However all such files are fraudulent.nCORE Games, the developers of the game just only only started the pre-registrations, and the download for the game on the Google Play Store is yet to go live. That’s why you should not download any fake APK files, can cause significant harm to the device. But if you want to play the game as soon as it launch, we suggest you to pre-register for FAU-G on the Google Play Store.
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How To Pre-Register For FAU-G On The Google Play Store?
It is super easy to pre-register for FAU-G and it does not take more than 2 minutes. You can follow the steps given below to do so:
Open the FAU-G page on the Play Store just by clicking here. And tab on the “Pre-Register” button as shown below.
Next, they have to press the green ‘Pre-register’ button.
A dialogue box will appear, prompting players to confirm the registration. They can select the ‘Ok’ button to complete the process.
That’s all. You have successfully pre-registered for FAU-G game. If you have faced any difficulty kindly let us know through our comment section. We’ll share the FAU-G APK link with our readers as soon as it is available. Thanks for reading.