5 Top Ways to Improve iPad Battery Life

Although, there is no doubt that the battery life of an iPad is quite good which gives enough reasons for owners to feel proud of. However, as the saying goes, “longer the better”, therefore, if the battery long lasts a bit more, then it equally has comparably greater advantage. Isn’t it? Now, if you are looking to achieve the same, then it is very easy. All you have to do is to read the following article since it will assist you towards giving you some of the coveted tips by which you will drastically see improvement in the battery life of your iPad. Following are the-

5 Top Ways to Improve iPad Battery Life

Improve iPad Battery LifeMake way to the minimum possible screen brightness

Although, being one of the most common solutions, yet we often overlook the same. Since, most of us prefer using it by ensuring maximum brightness. However, just by being smart, you can help yourself immensely for sure. All you have to do is to minimize the brightness of the screen as low as you possibly can without compromising on the comfort level. It can be done as you go to “Settings -> Brightness -> Wallpaper”

Ipad should be locked

One of the ways to improve iPad Battery Life is to make way towards locking your iPad after two minutes as this “small” step can prove to be “big” in terms of saving your battery from going down the drain. Therefore, after couple of minutes, it will automatically go to sleep or rest, whatever you can term it to be. Great, isn’t it? It can be done as you go to Settings > General > Auto-lock and now it will ask for the duration of time to set. You simply need to set 2 minutes and you are done.

It is better to disable push notifications

Inspite of being in sleepy mode, your iPad still consumes somewhat reasonable amount of battery. One of another top ways to improve iPad Battery Life is by disablingpush notifications by changing the settings to “save power”. It can be easily done as you go to Settings > notice

Use location-based service only when it is important

Although, various facilities such as that of navigation is purely given to the consumers to derive immense benefits, yet overusing the same will surely put lots of pressure on the battery. Therefore, it is important to use it on occasional basis. Especially, when it is highly important and necessary.  You can easily do the same by going to settings> location-based service to make changes

Make way to Auto-Brightness

The screen of the iPad adjusts to the brightness. By using this feature, you will surely improve iPad battery life. Therefore, you will experience a pleasant change without exerting undue pressure on the battery.

Recharge again inspite of getting the notification that the battery is full

It is a known fact that inspite of showing the battery to be full, there is a certain degree of space which is still left. Hence, recharge again in order to recharge that space for better results as well.

Finally, aforesaid are the 5 top ways to improve iPad Battery Life. This will assist you to the fullest.

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